Yes, I've upgraded to Fedora 16 64 bit. Have not had issues, with one exception. I did forget to back-up my e-mail files, but no worries. I tend to forget that every time. No big deal. All that is replaceable. I did back up all my special pictures and documents.
Here is a snap-shot of my desktop with the F16 background:
There is a new program that I have not had a chance to use. It is called Imagination. It is basically a Slide Show DVD creator. It is kind of like Windows Movie Maker...sort of. Any way, I have not had a chance to play with it yet. I'll be using it as I make a DVD to send my parents for the holidays.
I had to set up KMail as well as my Calendar. I had all my settings right and could receive mail, but I could not send and the Calendar would not work.
Well, Akonadi has got to be configured before all that stuff works. Akonadi is basically the bridge to the data base stuff that makes it all work. If Akonadi is not set up and running, Kontact, Kmail, and Calendar will not function. Any way, I set that up and immediately scheduled all my Pay-Days so I have something to look forward to every month as well as my Christmas Holiday coming up (and family events like birthdays and so on and so forth).
What else? I set my games up (Minecraft and Java), all my video playback stuff like Flash and such. All in all, F16 is nice. It has a smoother look than F15. I think the fonts are a little more defined. Oh, I am using KDE-Desktop. Some like Gnome, but I choose KDE because that is what I am used to.
Fedora 16 is nice, but I need to change one thing:
I think I'm ready for my Christmas Desktop. This, by the way, is a picture of Christmas time at Silver Dollar City in Branson, Missiouri. Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas.